Sunday, May 9, 2010

Well, fuck.

As it turns out, Vundo can be quite the Sim-killer.

Which is to say that I will be doing massive recovery on the drive containing all my old sim saves. then get everything up & running again in Linux.  Not necessarily in that order.

I will see all of you later, after I fix this mess.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I put a spell on you... The Maldicion Legacy. [1.9(a)]

So, in the last entry the twins Jedah & Teagan continued romantic advances.  Well mainly Teagan, as Jedah couldn't comprehend what a booty call was for, and that's not his only failing.

Meanwhile, Teagan got an early indoctrination into the family tradition before going to college with her twin brother.  Orion and Cheryl became teens (Family & Romance, respectively), and Annabelle went from infant to child in one update.  She's kind of awesome.

There were also two more additions to the family.  Blake (now a toddler), by ill advised woohoo, and Allegra, by the pet adoption agency.  Also...

Phew.  Now for something completely different.  College. (FINALLY.)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I put a spell on you... The Maldicion Legacy. [1.8]

Wow, 8 posts in and we're not even in college yet?  (In fact, we haven't even seen all the kids?!)  UGH.  HOKAY so let's try to speed things up, shall we?

Last post, Teagan was burned hardcore by her friend what's-her-face, and Orion and Annabelle grew up into children.  LaterTeagan had a lackluster date, which ended with school and the birth of her new baby sister, Annabelle.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I put a spell on you... The Maldicion Legacy. [1.7]

When we last left off, Orion and Cheryl were still just barely dodging Social Worker visits, and twins Teagan and Jedah turned into teens.  Teagan outed herself, and in the process won a real shot at heirdom.

To celebrate their newfound... freedom, I guess, Teagan & Jedah headed downtown.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I put a spell on you... The Maldicion Legacy. [1.6]

In the previous post, I discovered just how much I took autonomous baby "care" for granted.  Sure, they might cram bottle after bottle into a baby's mouth when it's obvious that it just wants its diaper changed, but it almost-but-not-at-all balanced things out.  At the very least, it kept the social worker (and warning dialogs) at bay while I tended to otherwise occupied sims.

Either that or I've gotten worse at raising sim babies, or not-quite-twins.  Anyway, let's see if the Maldicions get a visit from Child Services.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I put a spell on you... The Maldicion Legacy. [1.5]

In the last Maldicion entry, our intrepid family got a visit from Tosha Go, and the twins aged from baby to toddler, and toddler to kid.  Xavier got himself probed by aliens, again.  This time, however, it was an accident.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh my.

Well, I've been doing some playing without posting (actually, I always have), and in the process I've come to a few realizations.